Mohit Dhatrak

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All Projects


An eCommerce store for your sports needs! It is a full-stack app (currently only frontend complete).

Made using React, CSS Modules, HTML


It is a simple note app, a frontend clone of Google Keep. It uses browser localstorage to save your notes!

Made using React, CSS Modules, HTML

Spark UI

Looking for a UI components to design your apps quickly? Check out Spark UI, a customizable and responsive UI component library.

Made using HTML and Vanilla CSS

Palindrome birthday...

Palindromes are cool and your birthday might be one! Find out using this app.

Made using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Sports Emoji Interpreter

Not very good with emojis? Check out this Sports Emoji Interpreter to boost your emoji vocabulary.

Made using HTML, CSS & React.js

Cash Register

Easily manage your change with this cash register app that tells you the change to be returned using a minimal number of notes and coins.

Made using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

MCU Quiz

Are you a Marvel fan? Check out this quiz on MCU and claim your spot on the leaderboard.

Made using Node.js

Yoda Translator

Want to learn a new language? Why not start with something simple like the Yodish language. Have fun and may the force be with you!

Made using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Fun with triangles!

Check your knowledge of triangles by playing a quiz. Calculate the area of a triangle, find the hypotenuse, or find out if three given angles form a triangle.

Made using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Movie Recommendation App

Check out my movie recommendations sorted by different genres and let me know if you like them!

Made using HTML, CSS & React.js

Minion Translator

Want to speak minionese the language of minions? Check out this minion language translator that translates your text into minionese.

Made using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Stock Profit and Loss calculator

Investing in stocks? Calculate your profit or loss using this stock profit and loss calculator.

Made using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Is your birthday lucky?

Not so big on astrology? Check out this app that tells you if your birthday is lucky using some mathematics.

Made using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

How well do you know me Quiz

This a quiz with a few questions on me. Find out how well do you know me and let me know how you fared.

Made using Node.js