Mohit Dhatrak

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JavaScript 101

For any given program, there are 3 elements: input, processing, and output. When the user interacts with the website or application and provides some inputs we process those inputs. We need something to store that input data, and other internal data required for processing the input this is where variables come into the picture.

A beginner's guide to HTML

Block-level Elements vs Inline-level Elements: This is an important concept to understand. Most of the elements or tags in HTML are either block-level or inline-level elements. Block-level elements: In simplest words, we can say that these are the ones that occupy an entire block or line, i.e. entire width of the page.

An overview of CSS

What is CSS and Why do we use it? Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), if explained in simple words, is a language used to design web pages. We use HTML elements along with JavaScript to give the page functionality, it does not focus on giving the user a good experience while using the website.